Three Cultures
If you are looking for reliable comparison between the humanities, natural science and social science, I would recommend you to look into a book “The Three Cultures” by Jerome Kagan (Cambridge University Press 2009). Below I have attached images of table (pp. 4-5), containing concise and helpful characterization of these three areas.
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“Przekaz digitalny”
Kilka miesięcy temu ukazała się książka “Przekaz digitalny. Z zagadnień semiotyki, semantyki i komunikacji cyfrowej” (pod red. Ewy Szczęsnej), w której znajdują się cztery rozdziały mojego autorstwa.
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Czyzewski w ELC!
It is nice to hear that my project, created together with Łukasz Podgórni (programming and design), “Oczy tygrysa (The Eyes of the Tiger). Adaptation of Formist Tytus Czyzewski’s poetry” (Corporation Ha!art, 2012) is going to be included in the third Electronic Literature Collection. It is the first time when polish electronic literature will be presented in this international anthology of e-lit. ELC3 will be released in this February. I cannot wait to see the effects!
Czyżewski w ELC!
Miło usłyszeć, że mój projekt realizowany wraz z Łukaszem Podgórnim (grafika i programowanie), pt. “Cyfrowe zielone oko. Adaptacja poezji formistycznej Tytusa Czyżewskiego” (Korporacja Ha!art, Kraków 2012) został przyjęty do trzeciej edycji międzynardowej antologii Electronic Literature Collection. Po raz pierwszy w antologii znajdą się polskie projekty literatury elektronicznej. Antologia ma pojawić się już w lutym tego roku. Z niecierpliwością czekam na efekty!
From August to January 2016 I have been in English Department at Stony Brook University, NY, to continue my PhD research about electronic literature. At this time I have been investigating the relationships between human (artist, receiver) and nonhuman beings (machine, computer, new technology). The analysis of electronic literature as a “human and nonhuman literature” aims to direct attention toward invisible and non-representational digital objects, which like human, play the same role in generating and receiving electronic text. What kind of shifts have occured in the humanities, which contributed to increase the interest of nonhuman beings? How can we understand the term ‘agency’ in the context of electronic literature? How can we track the relationships between mediation and intermediation in the research of e-lit? In my project, I refer to the following theories such as STS (science, technology and society), the philosophy of technology, posthumanism, “thing studies”, postphenomenology, new phenomenology, critical new media theory, media archaeology, and electronic literature. This research is covered in my article under the title of “Electronic Literature and the Nonhuman Turn” which, I hope, will be published very soon!