I’m excited to share two requests for proposals (RfP) that have been published on the Wellcome Contract opportunities website. Under “Discovery Research” section, you can check out two calls for proposals to conduct landscaping work into the use of archive, manuscript, and material culture resources, as well as new forms of social data resources for life, health, and wellbeing discovery research across humanities and social sciences. We aim to commission a supplier or group of suppliers for up to a 6-month contract to produce a comprehensive report that will address the following objectives, such as understanding the challenges/barriers to be tackled in order to significantly enhance approaches to using these resources in research in the UK and globally; detailing the approaches, capabilities, technologies and data that could contribute to solving the challenges/barriers to maximise this research; and defining the opportunities for transformative life, health and wellbeing research that would be enabled by working towards the goal of significantly enhancing approaches to using these resources and data. The deadline for submitting proposals for each RfP is 25 July 2024.